
  • Thumbnail for Ginger Rothrock & Meghan Hunt: HG Ventures

    Ginger Rothrock & Meghan Hunt: HG Ventures

    If you’re a company in the industrial sector, you’re going to have a lot of waste. Industrial processes are massively resource-intensive, whether it’s water or other raw materials, and what you get out the other side is not just the finished product itself, but literally tons of waste byproduct that needs somewhere to go. What is becoming increasingly clear is that in and around that waste, is a lot of money. Anyone who comes up with technology that can effectively help large industrials reduce the amount of waste they produce, maximise the yield they can get from their inputs, and extract useful things from their waste, will find financial reward.

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  • Thumbnail for Stéphane Longuet: Convivialité Ventures

    Stéphane Longuet: Convivialité Ventures

    Many CVCs, because of their parents’ core business, tend to have, for lack of a better term, high-minded or particularly noble missions – whether that’s saving the planet from climate change, or humanity from disease, or anything else that may in some way contribute to the saving of the world – but then you have some investor who just want you to have a grand old time with the people you care about. That’s what Convivialité Ventures, the CVC unit of Pernod Ricard, aims to do.

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  • Thumbnail for Hakan Goker & Owen Lozman: M Ventures

    Hakan Goker & Owen Lozman: M Ventures

    Innovation is moving fast across most sectors, but in healthcare we are really seeing how tantalisingly close we are to solving some of our most enduring health problems, and we’re advancing at a fast clip. We talk about the leaps and bounds that we’ve come over the past decade in treating and finding cures for notorious ailments, how patient selection is an often overlooked but crucial part of the drug discovery process, and why we should be optimistic about our ongoing combat against disease.

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  • Thumbnail for Juan Niet: Zacua Ventures

    Juan Niet: Zacua Ventures

    The construction sector continues to face a number of massive challenges – skill and labour shortages, lack of standardisation, regulatory hurdles, and a massive carbon footprint, to name just a few. Zacua Ventures, the construction-tech focused VC firm launched last year by three alumni of construction CVC units, aims to alleviate them.

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  • Thumbnail for Crispin Leick: EnBW New Ventures

    Crispin Leick: EnBW New Ventures

    For Crispin Leick, managing director of EnBW New Ventures, a passion for energy technology came early in life, and was supercharged later on when he became a father and saw his time horizons change from years to generations ahead. As head of energy generation and utility company EnBW’s corporate venturing unit, Leick and his team focus on three main areas where they can have the biggest impact, namely the electrification, digitalisation, and decentralisation of the energy system.

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  • Thumbnail for The Next Wave: Functional foods – Investors are hungry for more

    The Next Wave: Functional foods – Investors are hungry for more

    Today’s show is a bit different – instead of a normal conversation, we’re bringing you GCV’s most recent edition of the Next Wave – our monthly webinar series that features panel discussions on emerging technologies and CVC best practices.

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  • Thumbnail for Richard Zeiger: MSW Capital

    Richard Zeiger: MSW Capital

    What precisely is the role of a third-party CVC fund managers in the venture ecosystems of emerging economies? According to Richard Zeiger, general partner at Brazil’s MSW Capital, it’s an important role to educate and set the standard.

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  • Thumbnail for Owen Thompson: Cambridge Future Tech

    Owen Thompson: Cambridge Future Tech

    We have plenty of knowledge hidden all over the place, with potential for transformational change on important problems, but without the ability to commercialise and spread it out, we don’t get to benefit from it. My guest today is Owen Thompson, co-founder and CEO of Cambridge Future Tech, a deep tech venture builder situated – as its name suggests – in one of the most bustling technology and ideas hubs in the world.

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  • Thumbnail for Are IPOs back?

    Are IPOs back?

    IPOs are back! With the recent listings of companies like chip manufacturer ARM and delivery app Instacart, we are seeing the resurgence of the public markets after around two years of being dormant.

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  • Thumbnail for Mike Smeed: InMotion Ventures

    Mike Smeed: InMotion Ventures

    Cars have been on their way to essentially becoming rolling computers for quite some time now. They are better connected, increasingly electrified, and packed with features to make the driver’s life easier. Mike Smeed, managing director of Jaguar LandRover’s (JLR) venturing unit, InMotion Ventures, has been in the CVC business for only one year, but given that automotive OEMs are already designing the cars of 2030 and beyond, his outlook needs to be in decades.

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