How to get first-of-a-kind cleantech projects off the ground

We’ve got a bit of a different episode again this week – Fernando sits down with GCV’s editor-in-chief Maija Palmer, who asks him some questions about a recent report he wrote for GCV’s Global Energy Council on the topic of getting first-of-a-kind cleantech technologies and projects of the ground.

FOAKs, as they are called, face a big funding gap as earlier stage VCs drop off once the tech is established, but the more risk-averse infrastructure money doesn’t start coming in until they can prove that the process is repeatable. This creates big issues for anyone trying to do something new in a sector where everything costs a lot of money and takes a long time.

So what are some best practices on how to get those off the ground, and how have a couple of new companies with exciting new technologies – solar panel recycler SolarCycle and geothermal technology developer Fervo Energy – managed to do it?

You can read the full report on FOAK projects here.

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